These articles are written by Codalogic empowerees as a way of sharing knowledge with the programming community. They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Codalogic.

Experiments with Aarch64 Assembler Part 5 - puthex

By: Pete, October 2022


(Code for this mini-series can be downloaded from Github)

When running programs its handy to print out numerical values. puthex prints of the value in the x0 register in hexdecimal format.

In addition to being a useful function we will also see some interesting Aarch64 instructions, including rev and csel.

Compared to the earlier subroutines, this has turned out to be quite long but hopefully it will all make sense.

Let's begin...

I want to prefix the displayed number with 0x. To do that I defined an ASCII string. I put it in the .text program segment because I didn't want it to be modifiable.

hex_preamble: .ascii "0x"

The prefix is only 16-bits long. Instructions need to be aligned to 32-bit boundaries so it is necessary to tell the assembler to re-align its output using the .align directive. In this case the 2 tells the assembler to align to a 2^2 byte boundary.

.align 2    // 4 byte boundary

Starting the subroutine, we do the regular stack from preamble sequence.

    // void puthex( int64 x0 /* v */ )

    stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
    mov     fp, sp

We want to use some register while the subroutine is running, specifically x19 as a temporary store and x20 as a loop counter, so we store their initial values on the stack for later recovery.

    stp     x19, x20, [sp,#-16]!

We need x0 and x1 to call subroutines so we need to put the input x0 value somewhere where we can retrieve it after a subroutine call. I've chosen to put it in x19.

    mov     x19, x0

Next we print the preamble string mentioned earlier using our write subroutine.

    // Print "0x" to make it clear it's a hex value
    ldr     x0, =hex_preamble
    mov     x1, 2
    bl      write

I want to skip leading zeros, but I don't want to print nothing if the whole value is zero. To handle this case a test is made to see if the input is zero. This is done using a cmp instruction. If the input is not zero the "branch not equal" instruction wil branch to the next section. If the input is zero we use putc to output two zeros. Note that each time we call putc we must re-initialise x0 because called functions are allowed to overwrite the contents of registers x0 to x7. When this special case is handled we branch to the exit. (A label beginning with .L is a local label and won't be exported in the object file. Local labels still have file wide scope so I have chosen to name local labels using the format: .L_<subroutine name>_<local name>.)

    // If the input value is 0, print "00" then jump to return
    cmp     x19, 0    .L_puthex_1
    mov     x0, #'0'
    bl      putc
    mov     x0, #'0'
    bl      putc
    b       .L_puthex_exit

Now here's a neat Aarch64 instruction! We want the highest order byte to be processed and displayed first. We therefore use the rev instruction to reverse the order of the bytes in our input register. If the input was 0x0123456789abcdef the result would be 0xefcdab8967452301.

    // Reverse the order of the bytes in x19
    rev     x19, x19

A 64-bit register contains 8 bytes so we need to run the next loop 8 times. We're using x20 to keep track of how many more loops we need to do.

    // There are 8 bytes in x19 so we have to do the below
    // operation 8 times
    mov     x20, #8

I want to skip leading zeros. If the least significant byte in x19 is non-zero branch to the main display code to display it.

    tst     x19, #0x0f
    bne     .L_puthex_3

Otherwise skip the zero byte by shifting in the next byte and decrementing the loop count. Then branch back to the check to see if the next byte is zero.

    lsr     x19, x19, #8
    subs    x20, x20, 1
    bne     .L_puthex_2
    b       .L_puthex_exit  // Defensive - Shouldn't be possible
                            // to get here as value can't be zero

A byte contains two hex nibbles. To avoid code duplication I have added an extra subroutine to output a 4 bit nibble. I will describe that later. But first we have to get the top nibble into the low nibble using an lsr logical shift right instruction. We can then call the puthexnibble nibble output subroutine, reload x0 with the output value and output the low nibble.

    // Output top nibble of byte (note lsr)
    mov     x0, x19
    lsr     x0, x0, #4
    bl      puthexnibble

    // Output bottom nibble of byte
    mov     x0, x19
    bl      puthexnibble

Having output the hex for a byte, we move the next byte into the lower byte position using another lsr logical shift right.

    lsr     x19, x19, #8

Time to work out if we have done enough loops. We subtract 1 from our loop count stored in x20. We have seen the sub instruction before but this time we use the subs instruction. Unlike sub, this updates the status register with the result of the subtraction. If the result is zero the z zero flag will be set in the status register and we can test that using the branch if not equal instruction. If the count hasn't got to zero we loop back to display the next byte.

    subs    x20, x20, 1    .L_puthex_3

If the count is zero then all the bytes have been output. All that remains to recover the registers we put aside for safe keeping, do the stack frame postamble and do the ret subroutine return.

    ldp     x19, x20, [sp]
    mov     sp, fp
    ldp     fp, lr, [sp], #16

The posthexnibble instruction mentioned earlier highlights another interesting feature of the Aarch64 instruction set.

As you know, hex values are represented by the ASCII characters 0 to 9 and a to f. We can convert a number in the range 0 to 9 to its ASCII value by adding the ASCII value of 0 to it. However, this does not work for a number is the range a to f. In this latter case we have to add the ASCII value of a minus 10. We need to do a test to see which of these two cases our input number falls into.

In the code below we compare the value to 10 using a cmp instruction. This updates the status register. Rather than perform a branch on the result of this test we perform both of the above modifications on our number, storing the result of the first (x0 + ASCII value of 0) in x1 and the second (x0 + ASCII value of a minus 10) in x2. Becuase we did these calculations using add instructions rather than adds instruction, they didn't modify the status register which means the result of the earlier cmp instruction is preserved.

This allows us to use the 'conditional select' csel instruction. This has an LT 'less than' condition attached to it. Therefore, if the earlier cmp instruction yielded a 'less than' result, the contents of x1 will be stored in x0, otherwise the contents of x2 will be stored in x0.

Performing conditional selection operations like this avoids having to use branches that can dramatically slow down the execution of the code. Depending on the specific Arm core used the two add instructions could be dispatched to separate execution pipelines and be performed in parallel meaning no time was lost.

    // void puthexnibble( int64 x0 /* v */ )

    and     x0, x0, #0x0f
    cmp     x0, #10
    add     x1, x0, #'0'
    add     x2, x0, #'a'-10
    csel    x0, x1, x2, LT
    b       putc
    // As putc is the last and only subroutine called we can do a
    // jump rather than a subroutine.  The ret in putc will take
    // us back to the calling function
    // If we could guarentee putc always followed puthexnibble we
    // wouldn't even need the branch!

Oh, and I snuck in a little putnl() subroutine to just put out a new line in order to make life simpler!

Observe that because there is no stack frame manipulations and the branch to putc is the last thing done in this routine, a simple b branch can be done to putc rather than a bl. putc will use the link register to directlly return control back to the calling function.

    // void putnl()
    mov     x0, #'\n'
    b       putc

Examples of calling puthex are below.

This highlights another feature of the instruction set. Because all instructions are coded into 32-bit words it's impossible for an instruction to encode a 64-bit immediate value. The largest immediate value that can be inserted into a register in one instruction is 16-bits.

Therefore the following 16-bit values can be loaded in one instruction.

    mov     x0, #0
    bl      puthex
    bl      putnl

    mov     x0, #0x89cd
    bl      puthex
    bl      putnl

Immediate moves of negative values will be automatically assembled to use the movn 'Move wide with NOT' instruction. This zeros the register, inserts the immediate value with an optional shift and then inverts the result.

    mov     x0, #-100
    bl      puthex
    bl      putnl

This means that the immediate range in one instruction is roughly +/-65536. I say roughly because the assembler will try to use shifted values to load values beyond this range if it can.

There are two ways around this 16-bit limit.

Firstly, you can use the 'zero and insert' move instruction movz together with the 'keep and insert' movk instruction. These instructions allow the specified 16-bit immediate value to be left shifted by 0, 16, 32 or 48 bits before inserting the value into a register. The movz (zero) instruction will set the register to zero before inserting the shifted immediate value and the movk (keep) instruction will not zero the register, keeping its initial value, and insert the shifted immediate value. Combinations of these instructions allow any 64-bit (or smaller) immediate value to be placed in a register.

    // Loads 0x01234567
    movz    x0, #0x0123, LSL 16
    movk    x0, #0x4567
    bl      puthex
    bl      putnl

    // Loads 0x0123456789abcdef
    movz    x0, #0x0123, LSL 48
    movk    x0, #0x4567, LSL 32
    movk    x0, #0x89ab, LSL 16
    movk    x0, #0xcdef
    bl      puthex
    bl      putnl

The second is to use some assembler magic with the special assembler ldr x0, =0xfedcba9876543210 form. This puts the value in the .text area of the program and automagically defines a pointer to it which is inserted in place of the specified value. Using objdump -d puthex will give you a better idea of how this works. The result of this is shown after the code snippet.

    ldr     x0, =0xfedcba9876543210
    bl      puthex
    bl      putnl
    bl      exit

The relevant part of the obj -d puthex output is here. You can see that the 0x0123456789abcdef value has been put in memory in little endian order at location 4001d8 and the ldr instruction has been modified to read x0 from that location.

  4001bc:       580000e0        ldr     x0, 4001d8 <_start+0x5c>
  4001c0:       97ffffb0        bl      400080 <puthex>
  4001c4:       97ffffd7        bl      400120 <putnl>
  4001c8:       97ffffea        bl      400170 <exit>
  4001cc:       00000000        .inst   0x00000000 ; undefined
  4001d0:       00400078        .word   0x00400078
  4001d4:       00000000        .word   0x00000000
  4001d8:       76543210        .word   0x76543210
  4001dc:       fedcba98        .word   0xfedcba98

And that's it. We're finally done. Although long, this exercise has shown a number of interesting aspects of the Aarch64 instruction set. We've seen cmp and conditinal branches, the difference between sub and subs, movz and movk for loading large immediate values and the special instructions rev and csel.

I hope you enjoyed it.

The whole subroutine is:

    // void puthex( int64 x0 /* v */ )

    stp     fp, lr, [sp,#-16]!
    mov     fp, sp

    // We need x0 and x1 to call subroutines so put input x0
    // somewhere safe
    stp     x19, x20, [sp,#-16]!
    mov     x19, x0

    // Print "0x" to make it clear it's a hex value
    ldr     x0, =hex_preamble
    mov     x1, 2
    bl      write

    // If the input value is 0, print "00" then jump to return
    cmp     x19, 0    .L_puthex_1
    mov     x0, #'0'
    bl      putc
    mov     x0, #'0'
    bl      putc
    b       .L_puthex_exit

    // Reverse the order of the bytes in x19
    rev     x19, x19
    // There are 8 bytes in x19 so we have to do the below
    // operation 8 times
    mov     x20, #8

    // We want to skip leading zeros.
    // If the least significant byte in x19 is non-zero
    // branch to display it, else shift in the next byte
    // and decrement the loop count
    tst     x19, #0x0f    .L_puthex_3

    lsr     x19, x19, #8
    subs    x20, x20, 1
    bne     .L_puthex_2
    b       .L_puthex_exit  // Defensive - Shouldn't be possible
                            // to get here as value can't be zero

    // Output top nibble of byte (note lsr)
    mov     x0, x19
    lsr     x0, x0, #4
    bl      puthexnibble

    // Output bottom nibble of byte
    mov     x0, x19
    bl      puthexnibble

    // See if we've finished
    lsr     x19, x19, #8
    subs    x20, x20, 1
    bne     .L_puthex_3

    ldp     x19, x20, [sp]
    mov     sp, fp
    ldp     fp, lr, [sp], #16

    // void puthexnibble( int64 x0 /* v */ )

    and     x0, x0, #0x0f
    cmp     x0, #10
    add     x1, x0, #'0'
    add     x2, x0, #'a'-10
    csel    x0, x1, x2, LT
    b       putc
    // As putc is the last and only subroutine called we can do a
    // jump rather than a subroutine.  The ret in putc will take
    // us back to the calling function
    // If we could guarentee putc always followed puthexnibble we
    // wouldn't even need the branch!

    // void putnl()
    mov     x0, #'\n'
    b       putc

As usual, using the script, the program can be assembled and run using:

aarch64 puthex